Influencer Marketing: Tracking Trends for 2023

In today's digital age, Influencer Marketing has become an essential part of any marketing strategy. Not only does it help increase Brand awareness, but it also boosts engagement rates and drives sales. As the industry continues to thrive, it's important to stay up-to-date on the latest trends.

In this blog post, we'll dive into the most popular Influencer Marketing trends of 2023 and provide real-world examples of how Brands are using these trends to their advantage.

Micro and Nano-Influencers

While macro-Influencers (those with over 100k followers) have been the go-to for many Brands, micro and nano-Influencers are quickly gaining popularity. These Influencers have smaller followings but are highly engaged with their audience, making them perfect for niche markets.

For example, the beauty Brand Glossier has managed to transform its fans into effective micro-Influencers who help in spreading the word about the Brand's products online. The company uses user-generated content (UGC) to its advantage by reposting UGC on its Instagram account, which showcases its products in use. The best UGC creators are even invited to become Instagram ambassadors for the Brand and given a unique promo code that provides them with a percentage of every sale made using their specific code. This tactic works, as 70% of their growth so far has been through owned, earned, peer-to-peer, or organic channels.


More and more consumers are looking for authenticity from Brands and Influencers alike. In fact, 86% of consumers stated that authenticity was a key factor in their purchasing decisions. Brands are responding by working with Influencers who are genuine, transparent, and aligned with their values. For example, the outdoor clothing Brand Patagonia has partnered with environmental activists and social justice advocates to promote its products. This has allowed them to display their commitment to sustainability and social responsibility, as well as build trust with their customers.

Patagonia Banner

In addition, many Influencers are focusing on creating content that is more authentic and relatable. For instance, beauty blogger Huda Kattan now shares more "real" content, such as her daily routine or how she deals with stress or comments, instead of just sharing sponsored content. This enables her to connect with her audience on a more personal level and build a better relationship with them.

Huda Kattan Instagram screenshot

Social Shopping

With the rise of Social Media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok, a new trend is emerging: social shopping. This type of marketing allows customers to make purchases directly from within the app, eliminating the need to navigate away from Social Media in order to purchase something. This is becoming increasingly popular due to its convenience and easy-to-use interface.

So, how exactly does it work? Brands create content, often posts or stories, that include product links that can be clicked to take the user directly to the page where they can make a purchase. This is especially useful for Brands with limited e-commerce capabilities as it eliminates the need to build an entire website for customers to purchase from.

Brands like Nike, Sephora, and ASOS have all integrated social shopping into their Influencer Marketing strategies. This allows them to drive sales without the need for extensive advertising campaigns or deep discounts.

Faceless Content

This shift towards faceless content has opened up a new world of opportunities for creators, providing a way to break free from the pressure of constantly being in front of the camera. It also allows creators to experiment with different formats and techniques that might not have been possible with traditional video content. The use of animations, graphics, and voiceovers is blurring the line between traditional media and Social Media content.

As audiences continue to consume content at an unprecedented rate, the importance of short-form content has become increasingly clear. Faceless content, with its ability to convey a story or message in a quick and engaging way, has become a popular choice for creators looking to maximize their impact. This has opened up new avenues of monetization for creators, who can now earn money from advertising, sponsorships, and other revenue streams through their short-form content. As this trend continues, it will be interesting to see how creators continue to evolve and adapt to these new formats and what role faceless content will play in the future of content creation.

Video Content

As the popularity of video content continues to rise, Brands are looking for Influencers who are skilled at producing engaging video content. Whether it's a YouTube tutorial or a TikTok dance, Influencers who can create compelling video content are in high demand. This is because people are more likely to watch a video than they are to read text.

Video content can also help to increase Brand awareness and loyalty. For instance, beauty Influencer Makeup By Mario launched his own makeup line and created an accompanying YouTube tutorial series that showcased his products. This helped to drive sales and also demonstrate to customers how to use the products correctly.

Makeup by Mario Youtube Channel screenshot

Short-Form Content

The rise of short-form content is one of the most prominent trends we've seen in the content creation world in the past few years. Across platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and even Twitter, creators are finding new and innovative ways to tell stories in bite-sized pieces. But why has short-form content become such a must for creators, and what opportunities does it present?

Firstly, it's important to recognize that short-form content has become so popular because of the way we consume media today. With so many distractions and competing demands on our attention, people are increasingly turning to short-form content as a way to get a quick hit of entertainment or information. Whether it's a snackable video on TikTok or an Instagram Reel, the fact is that short-form content is simply more consumable in today's fast-paced world.

But beyond its popularity with audiences, short-form content also presents a number of opportunities for creators. For one, shorter content is generally quicker and easier to produce than longer-form content. This means that creators can create more content in less time, freeing up valuable resources to focus on other areas of their business.

In addition, short-form content can be more easily repurposed and reused across platforms. A 15-second TikTok clip, for example, can be shared on Instagram, Twitter, and even YouTube, giving creators more chances to reach new audiences and earn more revenue from their content. Because short-form content is generally more shareable and viral than long-form content, there is a greater chance that it will be seen and shared by a wider audience.

Wrapping It Up

Influencer marketing is evolving and growing. It is a great way for Brands to reach their target audiences and drive sales. In order to stay competitive, it's important for Brands to stay on top of the latest trends in Influencer Marketing, such as social shopping, video content, and short-form content. Understanding these trends can help Brands build successful campaigns that will resonate with their target audiences and help them achieve their marketing goals.