Should You Publish Articles During A Google Algorithm Update

Google updates its algorithms regularly to improve the quality of its search results. These updates help ensure that users get the most relevant and useful information when they search for something.

However, for website owners and content creators, these updates can be stressful and can have a significant impact on their rankings.

So, should you publish articles during a Google algorithm update? The short answer: No, and here's why not.

What Are Core Updates?

A Google core update is a change to the algorithms and systems that Google uses to rank websites and determine which pages appear on their search results. These updates are called ‘core’ updates because they are fundamental changes to the way Google works, and they can impact a broad range of websites and topics. These updates aim to improve the relevance and quality of the search results that Google returns to users.

Why Publishing Articles During an Update Can Be Ineffective?

Publishing content during a Google algorithm update may not be the best idea because it can hurt your website’s ranking. Here are some reasons:

  • Rankings May Fluctuate: During a Google update, your website’s ranking may move up or down, and this can be affected by publishing new content. You may see a boost in rankings if the new content aligns with the algorithm’s new ranking factors. But, if not, it can be a disadvantage for your website’s overall ranking.
  • Google Could Penalize You: Google algorithms usually take some time to analyze new pages, and publishing tons of content during an update may lead the algorithm to think that you are trying to gain an unfair advantage. Google may penalize your website for spamming with low-quality content.
  • Focus on Improving your Existing Content: Instead of publishing new content during an update, it is more effective to focus on improving your existing pages. Identify pages that match the new ranking factors and work on making them better. Update the content to be more relevant and useful to the reader and optimize them for the search engines.

Can Websites Still Do Well During An Algorithm Update?

Yes, they can! While it may not be the best idea to publish new content during an update, there are websites that do well despite the changes. This could be due to various factors, such as having high-quality content, a strong backlink profile, and an overall well-optimized website.

One such case was during the Google Core update in June 2019. We can learn from an example of a website that had an enormous increase in traffic during this time. The website, named, had seen an average increase of 33% in organic search traffic coming to its website despite the Google Algorithm update. This increase was because they had created high-quality content that focused on improving the user experience.

When Should You Publish Articles?

Publishing articles is vital for content creation, but it is crucial to know the right time to publish them. Some good times to publish articles are:

  • After the Update has ended: After the update period is over, and the fluctuations have settled, it is an excellent time to publish new content.
  • Align your Content with the Algorithm: If you know what changes Google is making, you can align your content with those changes. This also means you need to stay on top of the latest trends and developments in your industry.
  • When You Need to Rank for New Keywords: If there are new keywords you want to rank for, you need to publish new content. This will help Google understand what your website is about and eventually rank your website for those keywords.


In conclusion, publishing articles during a Google algorithm update is a high-risk strategy that can negatively impact your website’s ranking. Instead, focus on improving your existing content and align your content with the new ranking factors. Publishing new content after the update has ended or when you want to rank for new keywords is the best strategy. Keep in mind that ranking on Google doesn't happen overnight, so be patient and consistent in your content creation efforts, and you will slowly see your website's ranking improve.