Sipping success by Mushroom Media

Sipping Success with Frank Berefsky, CMO of Brand Vault 360

In this episode of the Sippling Success podcast, host Casey Haakinson is joined by Frank Berefsky, CMO of Brand Vault 360, an agency specializing in incubating and accelerating CPG products in the beverage, candy, and snack sectors. Discover Frank's journey from his early sales career to leading a dynamic team focused on transforming innovative ideas into successful market-ready products.

Key Topics Discussed:


Frank's detailed recount of his professional journey provides a blueprint for career progression in marketing within the consumer packaged goods (CPG) sector.  Moreover, Frank’s success stories, such as the market introduction of PieWine and a new challenger to Red Bull, highlight the practical impact of strategic brand incubation. His advice to budding entrepreneurs stresses the critical importance of grasping the financial and operational demands of product development, thereby offering a valuable takeaway for listeners aspiring to make their mark in the CPG industry.

Brand Vault 360
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Sipping Success
Mushroom Media
Brand Vault 360